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Kitchen Confidence Starts Here






"helping home cooks who are determined to cook from scratch but lack confidence, solve the 'what's for dinner' problem by teaching them practical cooking, kitchen, and organisational skills. This enables them to consistently nourish themselves and their family without feeling overwhelmed, in a way that is quick, easy, and fun."


Meet Suzie 

I have always found it strange that we are taught how to count from the age of two, read and write from four, go on to study everything from Shakespeare to the periodic table, but seldom is as much attention given to the thing we do three times a day - EAT! From as young as I can remember, I was peeling carrots and ‘helping’ my mum in the kitchen. People often ask how I got into cooking and I definitely have to attribute it to my mother as cooking and eating was the heartbeat of our everyday life at home! During my sixth form years, I completed Leith’s Introductory Certificate in Food and Wine, where I learnt a foundation of useful culinary skills. Everyone around me thought my career would be in food, but then who listens to those closest to you at 18! I still saw it as a hobby!


I bounded off to university, now in charge of looking after myself 24/7! I was feeling confident, optimistic and thought I had this ‘university thing’ sussed out. Although I knew how to cook pretty well, I was now in charge of deciding what to cook for myself every meal – every day. I was suddenly perplexed as I knew how to cook healthy, wholesome food yet somehow couldn't get into the swing of actually doing it. Packed full of nerves, I lived off of cheese sandwiches for the following two weeks! Whilst at university, I went through a bit of a challenging time. My mental health was low, I was lonely and struggling; the inevitable student hangovers led to comfort eating on convenience foods, resulting in weight gain, a negative mindset and a generally low self-esteem.

'Suzanna is a really great teacher ! She is very knowledgeable about food and how to eat correctly to feel our best ! She is also soo good at creating healthy meals plans that fit into my life, gives me lots of energy and makes me feel my best ! A very tailored service and I will be recommending to others ! Thank you Suzanna !'
Cooking Ingredients

If you would like more infomation get in touch HERE

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